Well now, my dear apprentices, why are we still talking about magnets, and kilns. А как же гончарный круг? What about a pottery wheel? Indeed we do have lessons of pottery… Well, it’s time for us to think where to get a pottery wheel. Or maybe let’s make it with our own hands?..
And while we will think about this difficult question, we can practice and do a bit of pottery even without a real pottery wheel. Can it be possible? – you will ask. Yes, it’s possible! – I will tell you) But only under one condition: if you or your friends have a device with Android’, iOS’ or MacOS’.
So there is such a wonderful program that allows you to create masterpieces in pottery almost with a finger. It is called “Let’s create! Pottery”.
When you watch this video you will understand everything.
A small tutorial:
And if you have a colorful 3D printer at home the next video is for you:
There are two versions of this game: free (Lite) and not free). In a free version the game is very short, but it will not allow you to get involved into a virtual reality too much:)
You can download this program following these links:
Google Play:
Let’s create! Pottery »
Let’s Create! Pottery Lite » (a free version)
App Store:
Let’s Create! Pottery » (for MacOS)
Let’s create! Pottery HD » (for iPhone и iPad)
Let’s Create! Pottery HD Lite » (a free version for iPhone и iPad)
OVI Nokia:
Let’s Create! Pottery »
The website of the program: www.potterygame.com
P.S. If you don’t have a device to download this program don’t hurry to buy it; save your money for a washing machine that we will turn into a real pottery wheel at the next lesson. And not to miss this outstanding event you can subscribe to our news.
Tags: Pottery wheel Categories: Notes