Pottery lessons

notes of a practicing ceramist

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Author 07.12.2013

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Winter came with its magic, drawings on windows and snow-flakes each of which is unique. Mumintrolls go into hibernation at this time, and we will make tools for decorating our clayware today.

During the previous lesson we visited “Wonderland” and did not leave it with empty hands; we bought these rosettes, roundels and other things the names of which are unknown to me:)

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

With their help we can decorate our clayware in a unique way))

As you probable have already guessed we will press these beautiful things against clay to have imprints. We need to put handles to them to make it convenient to press against clay. For example, wooden handles.

Take the stick from a paintbrush, cut it in several pieces.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Shape them with a sand paper to have a better attachment to a rosette,

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

“inject” a drop of glue,

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

And glue it.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Wait for the glue to dry. Then you can add a little bit more glue into the slits between the stick and the rosette for a better attaching.

You can attach a handle from polymer clay to a big rosette and bake it in the oven.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

So tools are ready now we can start imprinting. Let’s decorate our small pots that we made.

Press the seal to a pot gently.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

If the rosette is quite dome shaped you need to move it up and down, right and left.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Let’s also decorate horses that we made at this wonderful master class.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

(Only at that master class they used polymer clay, but we use usual clay from the soil).

Finally our biggest tool participated in the process of decoration here. Though it did not leave its full pattern on the horse (only the top part of this pattern has been imprinted), still it turned out nice and pretty.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

And to imprint you can use all kind of things. For example buttons.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

And this is a usual knitting pin with a rounded end (sand paper can help you with this).

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

With the help of that knitting pin you can make strips on the mane and tale.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Up-to-date industry gives us many options for imprinting. For example screwdrivers and separate caps to them.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Here I imprinted with the help of a screwdriver that is like a six-pointed star.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

You can choose another option and use the bottom side of different things: bolts, external screws, framing nails etc.

Сlay molding. Tools for imprints

Here are our ready pots with imprints.

Сlay molding. Imprints

And a horse.

Сlay molding. Horse - the symbol of the new year

Сlay molding. Horse - the symbol of the new year

Have a nice winter, beautiful imprints and success in pottery!

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  1. How does winter bring a magical touch to clay molding and what are the unique characteristics of each snow?

  2. How does winter bring a magical touch to clay molding and what are the unique characteristics of each snow? regard Telkom University

  3. Indar Muslimah Kusmadi says:

    The blog post mentions using various objects like rosettes, buttons, and even screwdrivers to create imprints on clay. Could you share some other unexpected or unconventional objects that can be used to create unique textures and patterns on clay? Telkom University Jakarta

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