We are continuing to disassemble the main stages of work on the potter’s wheel. In this lesson we will learn to form the bottom of the vessel.
So, we have a well-centered piece of clay.
Continue reading »Homemade Pottery Wheel (Using Treadmill motor)

There is a wonderful Master Class on making homemade pottery wheel by VertDude. He made it by using the treadmill motor.
Continue reading »Whichford Pottery

Wonderful workshop Whichford Pottery. How do they make handmade terracotta pots.
Continue reading »Lace

The opening of the Olympic games in Sochi became known all over the world; the Ukraine is still raging; America keeps sticking its nose in everybody else’s business… Our war vehicle is by the window and it does not start… It’s high time to sit by a warm radiator and do something for pleasure)). Today […]
Continue reading »A journey: trying to find good clay

Today we are going off on a journey: we will look for good pottery clay. Here in Togliatti there is a potter uncle Misha (like in that movie) – he comes from the village Sukhoy Karsun (it’s in Ulyanovsk region). And he works with clay only brought from there. This clay suits for work on […]
Continue reading »A pottery wheel

It is an old good Soviet movie about a village potter Michael Luckich Bolotnikov.
Continue reading »Happy New Year!

Dear friends! From all my heart I congratulate you with New 2014 year! May all the good things you had in the old year come with you to this new year and may you forget all the bad things. I wish you to have more joyful moments, love and all the best! Be happy! And […]
Continue reading »Сlay molding. Imprints

Winter came with its magic, drawings on windows and snow-flakes each of which is unique. Mumintrolls go into hibernation at this time, and we will make tools for decorating our clayware today.
Continue reading »Wonderland – the store of creative goods

Good afternoon dear subscribers, and those who visited our website accidentally (or on purpose:) Today we will look for a store in which we can sell small pots that we made on our potter’s wheel.
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