The Potter Cartoon Movie

A wonderful cartoon by Josh Burton: how to become a real magician.
Continue reading »How to prepare clay. Clay washing

As a rule, clay that we can find in the field contains some mechanical admixtures: pebbles, sand and etc. And in most cases you need to get rid from admixtures somehow. If it is relatively large impurities you can strain clay wash through a thin metal sieve. But if there are many small grains (e.g. […]
Continue reading »Hand-made pottery-wheel

Finally the day has come for a pottery wheel which we will make with our own hands. And we will make it from an agitator washing machine. The name of it is “Washing machine”; it does not have any name or brand. It only says that it was made in China for a supermarket “Okay”. […]
Continue reading »Let’s create! Pottery. Game

Well now, my dear apprentices, why are we still talking about magnets, and kilns. А как же гончарный круг? What about a pottery wheel? Indeed we do have lessons of pottery… Well, it’s time for us to think where to get a pottery wheel. Or maybe let’s make it with our own hands?.. And while we will […]
Continue reading »A fridge magnet. Part two.

At this lesson we will continue working at our fridge magnet. At the previous lesson we have learnt to burn ceramic articles, and now we have small relief articles that have been fired.
Continue reading »Burning ceramics

So, our articles have dried well, now it’s time for them to go to the kiln. The first burning (it can the last one) is called biscuit firing (the first firing). You can stack articles on each other when you do this kind of burning, as they are not covered with anything; and the temperature […]
Continue reading »Drying

I can’t wait to start burning our articles! All the more we have the kiln already. But we have to be patient and wait a little until these articles are dry enough properly. Otherwise if there is some moisture in the clay the articles will crack while burning; that would be sad) Usually drying does not […]
Continue reading »A fridge magnet. Part one.

At this lesson let’s make something that can bring us some money for our livelihood. Because we will still have to learn for a rather long time… The first thing that comes to my mind is to make souvenirs. And a fridge magnet is the easiest thing to do from clay. Of course besides clay […]
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